How to…#

Debug issues on production and staging#

All application errors are sent to Sentry:

The details of Django errors from the web portal are accessible in the admin-portal Sentry project. You can filter by environment to access errors either from production or staging.

Run tests using pytest#

pytest.ini is called before running a pytest. This file specifies what django settings (ds) to use, which annotated to exclude using the mark (-m) keyword and other functions.

Run all tests#

Important: make sure to be outside of an enviroment (deactivate).


Run all test until one fails#

pipenv run pytest -x

Set up Gitpod environment#

  1. Make sure there is a branch available in the Github repository

  2. Go to the workspace overview in Gitpod of TGWF

  3. Run pre-build Click on the pre-build option in the workspace overview of the workspace you want to prepare.

  4. After this preparation, open the workspace and it’s ready to be used

Fetch files from object storage#

We try to treat our deployed applications as ephemeral, and store any meaningful state in a database or in object storage.

Instead of using Amazon Web Services, we used Scaleway’s AWS S3 compatible object storage service. See our the for a convenience methods when working with object storage in a provider agnostic fashion.

This project also uses libraries to allow the use the handy aws cli tool with Scaleway object storage, to make it relatively easy to syn directories with sync, upload and download files with cp and so on.


(These all assume you have pipenv shell to load the necessarty environment variables into your shell):

See the buckets you have access to:

aws s3 ls

See all the files in beneath a given path, with the sizes in a human readable fashion, listing the total size as a summary (careful on large buckets!)

aws s3 ls s3://your-bucket/ --human-readable --summarize --recursive

Upload a file to object storage

aws s3 cp s3://destination-bucket/path/to/

Download a file from object storage

aws s3 cp s3://your-bucket/path/to/

Move all the files at one path in one a bucket to a path in a different one

aws s3 sync  s3://origin-bucket/path/to/migrate s3://destination-bucket/new/destination/path/