Understanding the life cycle of a Green Check Request#

This page outlines the life cycle for the majority of the traffic the Green Web Platform serves - API requests on its greencheck endpoints, most commonly at the following url:


It exists to inform system design discussions, and help developers new to the system trace a path through the code for common operations.

Our usual, fast check#

When a user carries out a greencheck for a specific site, or a third party uses our greencheck API, you can trace the flow of a request through the system like so:

sequenceDiagram Browser client->>+Nginx: Look up domain Nginx->>+Django Web: Forward to a django web process Django Web->>+Database: Look up domain Database->>-Django Web: Return lookup result Django Web->>+Nginx: Return rendered result Nginx->>+Browser client: Present domain result Django Web->>+RabbitMQ: Queue domain for logging

In most cases we try to find a result we can return quickly, and check in a local cache table called greendomain, described by the GreenDomain model. Assuming we find a result in the database, we put the checked domain on a Rabbit MQ queue, so that a separate worker process can update to the cache to record the time of the check, and so it can write the check result to a logging table, currently named greencheck, and represented by the Greencheck model.

Note: See the model definitions Greencheck and GreenDomain for the definitive listing of the names the tables we write to - they have changed over time.

Updating our green domains table#

Once we have the domain queued, another worker takes the domain off the queue, and does two things.

  1. It updates our green domain table that has been acting like our cache, so we can easily see which domains lookups are the ‘freshest’.

  2. It then logs the checked domain, for later aggregate analysis.

It also lets us control the load we place on the database by controlling when we are logging all the checks, as well as updating our cache table.

sequenceDiagram Django Dramatiq->>+RabbitMQ: Check for any domains to log RabbitMQ->>+Django Dramatiq: Return domain to log Django Dramatiq->>+Database: Log domain to greencheck table Django Dramatiq->>+Database: Update greendomain tables

We can scale the number of Django Gunicorn processes and Django Dramatiq worker processes independently, depending on the traffic we are receiving, and RabbitMQ here acts like a buffer. We have further control within each of these types of processes to decide how they handle concurrency. See the deployment page for more.

Carrying out a slow full network look up#

We also have a slower check that does all of this in one synchronous request - here we prioritise accuracy over response time, and skip any lookup against a local cache table. We still log the check for a worker to pull off the queue, and to update the green domain cache as usual, but this allows us to always show the result from a full network look up in case we suspect that the result in our cache table is stale.

The sequence flow diagram looks like so:

sequenceDiagram Browser client->>+Nginx: Send a request to check a website domain Nginx->>+Django Web: Forward to a django web process Django Web->>+External Network: Look up domain External Network->>+Django Web: Return domain lookup Django Web->>+Database: Clear old cached domain lookup from database Django Web->>+Nginx: Return rendered result Nginx->>+Browser client: Present result for website check Django Web->>+RabbitMQ: Queue domain for logging

This slower check is currently used in the following places:

  • greencheck service on our Wordpress website - because this is often the url used by people new to the service who care more about a correct result than a fast result

  • our own “detail” view for troubleshooting with support - this is visible at https://admin.thegreenwebfoundation.org/admin/extended-greencheck, and used to show more detail about how we arrive at a given result

  • our greencheck image service - we currently used the slower view for rendering images, because historically, it has been the thing user contact us about frequently, and serving the slower review reduced the number of support requests caused by earlier caching setups.